Original Land Rover equipment key fobs are no longer available but the two-button key fob shown above is a perfect replacement.
- The new key fob will work and install in exactly the same way as the original.
- Full fitting instructions are included with all key fobs.
- The installation is a DIY procedure which can be carried out at home with no tools required.
- A help line for all customers is available.
- All key fobs come with a 12 month guarantee.
- The key fob will work together with the old type key fobs on the same vehicle.
- Each key fob has a unique code, and due to the rolling code system keys cannot be copied or cloned.
- Before you order, we will need to know which frequency you require.
If you have an original key fob which was fitted to the vehicle (working or not), check the back of the key fob to see if the white label is still intact. If it is not intact, open the key fob casing and get the number from the small silver disc, next to the battery cell. You will also find the frequency on the original CATS security card.
Do not take any notice of the colour of the circuit board as described in some Range Rover Classic Manuals with reference to the frequency. The information is incorrect. The only way to make sure of the frequency, if none of the above methods are available, is to check the number on the alarm ECU.
We can now only supply the 433mhz, 1207-4, 1207-5, 1207-6 systems, all other types you will need to send us your control unit for conversion to the 433mhz system.

If the red flashing LED alarm light is on the right hand side of the dashboard on top of the instrument panel, the alarm ECU will be found under the steering wheel. A panel drops down to expose the fuse box, the alarm ECU is on the right hand side of the fuse box, set back slightly.

The red flashing LED alarm light should be in the middle of the dashboard, under the radio. The alarm ECU is found in the passenger foot well. Drop down the cardboard cover, which is retained by 2 plastic clips at the front. The alarm ECU is far left hand side. It is facing the body and so it is hard to see the label. The best solution, instead of removing the ECU, is to use a mirror, or carefully peal the label off.
If your Range Rover Classic alarm has been overridden because the keys were lost, the Alarm box will probably be “armed”. If this is the case you will have to find out how it has been overridden and we will need to see your alarm box to disarm it.
Prices –
1 unit – £92.99 (inc VAT & Delivery)
We no longer produce the 418mhz or the 315mhz, R2528, versions, the only way forward is we convert your control box to a 433mhz and supply 433mhz key fobs the 433mhz is much better, the higher frequency number is better for range and reliability.
We charge £50 for a conversion + key fobs which will be ready programmed to use.
We will require your control unit sending to us.
Send your unit to:
Remote Key Ltd
3 Nea Close
BH23 4QQ
PLEASE include your details so we can easily identify who has sent it
- Pay online with credit/debit card or Paypal. Our payment system is 100% secure guaranteed or call 07486 860 993 to place an order over the phone, postal orders accepted, sorry No cheques.
- All our products are covered by a 12 Month written Guarantee and a 14 day money back guarantee.
- You will receive a full VAT receipt.
- You will get a help line phone number and email for customer support.
- Send all parts, keys and control box’s (ECU’s) to Remote Key Ltd 3 Nea Close Christchurch BH23 4QQ, include your details with your item.
- For full terms and conditions.
N.B. Land Rover remote key fobs are sometimes reffered to as Land Rover plips, Land Rover zappers, Land Rover remotes, Land Rover immobiliser, Land Rover immobiliser repair, Land Rover immobiliser key ,Land Rover key, Land Rover replacement key, Land Rover remote zapper, Land Rover immobiliser problems, Land Rover immobiliser reset, Land Rover immobiliser bypass, Land Rover immobiliser code, Land Rover immobiliser removal, Land Rover immobiliser disable, Land Rover not starting, Land Rover red immobiliser light flashing, Land Rover immobiliser fault, Land Rover broken key, Land Rover faulty key, Land Rover key reapir or remote zappers. All of these common phrases can be used to describe a Land Rover remote key fob.